03 Mar

Benjamin Carter


The Gears of War franchise is one of Microsoft’s most beloved franchises, having been around since 2006. The last release was Gears Tactics in 2020, with the last mainline title being Gears 5 in 2019. Now, it looks like The Coalition, the developers behind the franchise, is hinting at a new project.

Rumors have been circulating since February 2021 that The Coalition has canceled two projects to focus on what is assumed to be Gears of War 6. Now, new job listings from The Coalition and Microsoft’s career page indicate that the team is looking for a Senior Gameplay Designer for a Gears of War game. The job listing asks for experience in Character, Camera, and Controls (3Cs) as well as AI systems. 

This isn’t the first job listing from The Coalition for a Gears of War game, either. They were looking for a Gameplay Designer in July 2022. All of this points to the fact that the team is indeed working on a brand new Gears of War title. But what form will it take?

Some have speculated that the team is working on a Gears of War Remastered Collection, which would be an interesting take on some of the franchise’s earliest entries. Others are hoping that it’s a brand new Gear of War title, a true sequel to Gear 5. It’s still too early to tell, but all signs point to the fact that Gears of War 6 is indeed in the works.

At the end of the day, what fans really want is something new. Whether it’s a full-fledged sequel or a remastered classic, we can’t be sure until The Coalition officially reveals the game. But with the amount of evidence being put forward, it’s safe to say that it won’t be too long before we get more information on this hotly anticipated title.